Mark Brinker DB sets speed record at Bonneville!

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Mark Brinker DB sets speed record at Bonneville!

Postby lagunatich » Mon 25 Aug 2008 15:59

News from Mark Brinker of his land speed record set in an HBR5 at Bonneville:

Dearest D.B. Fans and Fanatics:

It has been done! I have just returned from the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, USA, where I set the all-time Land Speed Record for a Grand Touring Sports Car under 750cc (this class is known as GT/J). I accomplished this in BoneEvil, my 1959 D.B. HBR-5 (#1025) which has a very special, raced prepared 747cc engine. For your interest, attached are two photos of the car (and me) on the salt.

Racing at Bonneville presents many problems and challenges for the little cars we all love. First, the temperature during the day can be as high as 110 degrees which the air-cooled two-banger is not so fond of. Second, the effective altitude is 7700 feet above sea level and setting carburetion can be tricky. Third, racing on salt presents challenges in regards to traction and tire slippage.

The course I ran on is called the Short Course and is 3 miles in length. The speed recorded is not the top speed attained but is the average speed sustained between the 2nd and 3rd mile markers. In order to break a record, you must have a successful Qualifying Run which betters the existing record. The car is then placed in Impound with a
sealed gas tank. The following morning you must make a successful Record Run (also known as the Backup Run) and again beat the existing record for a second time.

The existing record for GT/J has stood at 80.143 MPH since 1991. I believe the previous record holder was a Honda two-seater. During my Qualifying Run I averaged 93.070 MPH. During my Record Run I averaged 94.918 MPH. The new Land Speed Record is the average of the two and is 93.994 MPH. As you can see, we did not simply beat the old record we crushed it!

Breaking this record has been a dream of mine for many years and I could not have accomplished this without the help of many people. When I made the decision to move forward in 2006 I had a small problem; I did not own an HBR-5. I called all of my D.B. friends in the U.S. but did not have any luck finding a car. Then I called Myron Vernis who had two HBR-5’s in his collection. Myron is a huge D.B. fan and was not at all interested in selling either of his cars. That is until Myron found out what I had in mind! He loved the idea of a D.B. running at Bonneville and immediately sold me the car (at a very, very fair price!). Myron is a fantastic guy and I am forever grateful for all of his support. Thanks Myron!

There are many, many others who have helped me along the way. Obtaining parts is always a problem for those of us in The USA and Derek Fritz was with our team every step of the way, offering technical assistance and getting us the parts we needed in a timely fashion. Thanks Derek! Richard Plavetich was restoring his own (now gorgeous) HBR-5 and brought us parts back from his trip to France. Don Racine and JeanPierre Molerus have been wonderful friends and advisors along the way and gave us the info and parts we needed every time we called on them. For years, Bill Barkley has run all over the USA for all of us and has filled my warehouse full of spares. Thanks Bill! Finally, Raymond Milo has been our spiritual advisor and chief critic throughout the project. There is only one Raymond and I am definitely glad to have him on our team. There are too many others in the D.B. Club who have helped me along the way to mention but to all of you-THANKS!

When I decided to make a record attempt my mechanics first reaction was “You want to do what?!?!?!” And this was certainly logical. From a practical standpoint, it really made little sense to go for the record in a 50 year old car. After all, the Grand Touring Sport Class is not a vintage class. It is open to any and all modern two-seaters with an engine under 750cc. But this is precisely why I wanted to break the record in a D.B.

As each of you know, Deutsch Bonnet has a legendary race history which includes class wins at Le Mans in ‘53, ‘54, ‘55, ‘56, ‘59 and ‘60, five consecutive class wins at the Mille Miglia (1953 through 1957), class wins at Sebring in ‘53, ‘54, ‘56 and ‘59, at the Tourist Trophy in ‘53 and ‘55, and class wins at the Nürburgring 1000KMS in ‘59 and ‘60. But was it possible to break a land speed record in a Deutsch Bonnet 50 years later? Could it be that the HBR-5 was the fastest under 750cc Grand Touring Sports Car of all time-including modern cars? This was what our team set out to accomplish.

My Chief Mechanic, Greg Lucas, has literally thousands of hours into Panhard engine development. And nearly every internal engine component is special. Our crankshafts are of one-piece billet. The roller bearing
is a two-piece design as is the big end of the rods. The valve train and heads have been developed to the extreme. Greg has done an unbelievable job and in my opinion is a world authority on Panhard engines and mechanicals. When I first met Greg 8 years ago, he hardly knew what a Panhard was. But he’s a brilliant guy, a quick study, and with the help of Don Racine and my great friend Alva Rodriguez, who is sadly not here to see this, Greg is now a Panhard Jedi Warrior. His 747cc engines make 48HP at the front wheels (probably 65 HP at the flywheel) and will rev to an honest 10,000 RPMs.

Greg also assembled a winning team to help us along the way. Mark Evans has been with us every step of the way. Mark not only ‘massaged’ the 50 year old fiberglass body and painted the car; he did much of the fabrication and prep work. He was also with us at Bonneville, getting things ready, driving the push-truck, etc. We could not have done this without Mark.

Jeff Gee has also been an important part of the team. Jeff is not only a wonderful fabricator, he is also the shops psychologist keeping things calm whenever engines scattered parts. Dan Barton is an engine guy extraordinaire and helped our team time and time again. He was also responsible for critical machine and head work on the engines.

Walt Bobo, Mike Hart, Tom Thrash and many, many others have wandered in and out of Greg’s shop offering advice and support along the way. Mike Miller did the wonderful airbrush work on the car. Our team will be continue to make trips to Bonneville to try and go faster and faster to push the 750cc record over 100 MPH. We also have plans to make an attempt for the under 1000cc record in the car.

So stay tuned for more records from BoneEvil. It will be up to historians looking back to determine the relative importance of this Land Speed Record in the context of D.B.s past victories. It is interesting to note that D.B.s victories in the 1950s were against contemporary cars of similar technological development. What we now have in this 50 year old car is an all-time Land Speed Record holder.

Have fun and drive fast!

Mark Brinker
Houston, Texas
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Re: Mark Brinker DB sets speed record at Bonneville!

Postby Champigny1959 » Tue 26 Aug 2008 15:38

Oui, notre ami Dr. Mark Brinker a gagné aux salants Bonneville dans la classe GT/J (voitures de sport grand tourisme, 750cc). Ancien record de vitesse: 129.3 kph (1991; probablement Honda). Nouveau record de vitesse: 151.6 kph (2008; DB HBR5!) Bravo!!!

Derek. :D
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Location: Hassocks, GB

Re: Mark Brinker DB sets speed record at Bonneville!

Postby CD26 » Wed 3 Sep 2008 09:13

Un grand bravo à Mark pour son record en "GT" ! 8-)
Vivement la barrière des 104 Mph... ce qui ferait de lui et son bolide les
détenteurs absolus en catégorie < 750 cc.
Evil Tweety est à 103,978 en "PRO"
lagunatich wrote:... the effective altitude is 7700 feet above sea level and setting carburetion can be tricky...
Les pistes du Bonneville Salt Flats sont à une altitude de +/- 4 220 pieds, soit
inférieure à 1 300 m... ;)

Re: Mark Brinker DB sets speed record at Bonneville!

Postby Vincent » Wed 18 Feb 2009 20:13

Mark repart en 2009 pour un nouveau record en 2009, et a visiblement besoin d'aide :
voici le message reçu par un grand nombre d'amicalistes :

"Hello DB/Panhard Enthusiasts:

My crew and I are preparing for another assault on Bonneville in 2009. As many of you are aware, last year we broke the all-time under 750cc production sports car record at Bonneville. We went 93.994 MPH which is not bad when considering the temperature is over 100 degrees F, the effective altitude is over 8000 feet above sea level and you are racing on salt.

What is also interesting is that we broke the record with an engine with only 8.5:1 compression.

The 750cc engines we raced began life as 850cc engines and we sleeved them down to 750cc. Without going into great detail, the sleeving of 850cc engines (whose heads have bigger valves than the 750cc engines) creates a mushroom-shaped combustion chamber and limits the amount of compression that can be achieved. With 750cc engines whose valves are smaller, much greater compression is possible. As we are seeking to bump our own record over 100 MPH, we need the 7500cc heads as originally built with smaller valves.

Therefore I am reaching at to the DB/Panhard community in hopes of buying or trading for pairs of 750cc heads. These heads look very similar to the 850cc heads but the valves are smaller. I was able to get a pair of 750cc heads from Joel Brunel while at Retromobile but we are building 3 engines for Bonneville so we need more sets of the 750cc heads.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!

Mark Brinker "

il recherche semble t'il des cylindres de 750 cc

à vos greniers !!!

Re: Mark Brinker DB sets speed record at Bonneville!

Postby guny » Sun 22 Feb 2009 10:11

felicitations pour les resultats de l' me presente guny jean-claude .j'ai realise en bicylindre panhard:un double arbre a cames en tete,un 850cm3 experimental double allumage de90cv a9200t/mn.un954.1000.1100 ET 1200CM3 enfin un 4cylindre panhard de 172CV a 5800t/mn couple de21daN.monte sur une monoplace de ma fabrication de540Kg.j'ai egalement un brevet du vilebreqin panhard.
je vais vous enoyer des photos de tous mes travaux.
mais surtout mon fils vit aux usa.son bureaux se trouve a houston au est vice president de shlumberger dans la recherche habite en floride a boynton beach.
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Re: Mark Brinker DB sets speed record at Bonneville!

Postby CD26 » Tue 24 Feb 2009 14:49

Vincent wrote:"... the effective altitude is over 8000 feet above sea level...
Pour la deuxième fois, Mark indique une altitude fausse.
S'il fait un calcul précis pour sa carburation, il sera à coté de la plaque...
Est-ce que ceux qui sont en contact avec lui peuvent lui indiquer que l'altitude moyenne des Salt Flats est de 1 285 m, soit 4 216 pieds (pas 8 000 !...). ;)

Re: Mark Brinker DB sets speed record at Bonneville!

Postby dynajunior » Mon 2 Mar 2009 15:30

Bravo Mark Brinker, d'avoir battu ce record ancien et je suis sûr que vous allez en battre d'autres.
Jean-Claude Guny, je vous connais par l'intermédiaire de Vincent, le trésorier de l'amicale. Il m'a parlé de vos travaux et ça m'interesse beaucoup. J'espère venir vous voir bientôt avec lui, et voir aussi vos réalisations à partir de moteurs Panhard. Je crois que vous avez de la matière ! voici mon mail :

Re: Mark Brinker DB sets speed record at Bonneville!

Postby Champigny1959 » Mon 10 Aug 2009 09:03

Bonjour à tous,

Quelques actualités: Notre ami Mark a levé son record ce weekend, de 151.60kph l'année passée, à 151.71kph. Ces photos sont de Don Racine:



Derek. :D
Last edited by Champigny1959 on Wed 12 Aug 2009 13:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mark Brinker DB sets speed record at Bonneville!

Postby Champigny1959 » Wed 12 Aug 2009 12:36

Bonjour tout le monde.

Mark a levé son record encore. Il reste maintenant à 154.95kph.

Derek :D :D
Posts: 94
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Location: Hassocks, GB

Re: Mark Brinker DB sets speed record at Bonneville!

Postby Champigny1959 » Thu 13 Aug 2009 21:53

Bonsoir à tous.

Mark a levé la vitesse de son Coach pour le troisième fois cette semaine à Bonneville: 155.94kph.


Derek :D :D :D
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